Friday, October 18, 2019

A funny thing happened on the way to my neurologist but I can't remember what it was 🌞

Friday, April 19, 2019


I was explaining to my granddaughter why I shake sometimes I told her it's called Parkinson. She said I know is when your hand shakes when you're trying to park your car 😀

Thursday, September 20, 2018

In a dark place

John hadn't heard from a good friend of his in a while so he decided to give him a call to see what was going on. When he reached him he asked him if everything is okay and his friend replied he was in a dark place. John was worried because of his response and asked him did he talk to a psychiatrist about it. His friend replied I don't know what good that would do I don't think he's going to pay my electric bill 😀

Saturday, August 18, 2018

The Girlfriend Reunion

Sue met up with some girlfriends that she hadn't seen in over 30 years they were all bragging about what their husbands did for a living and how well-off they were not to be outdone so simply stated that she was  happily married to a mover and a shaker how they interpreted it was up to them 😀